Svømmeskole Lille Svane alminnelige vilkår 1. Juni 2023

Disse alminnelige vilkårene (i det følgende omtalt som «vilkårene») gjelder for kunder i Happy to Swim AS fra 1. august 2023. Svømmeskole Lille Svane er navnet på et av datterselskapene til Happy to Swim AS. Kunden må lese disse vilkårene nøye før registrering og bruk av svømmetjenestene.

1. Generelt

Disse vilkårene er salgsbetingelser som gjelder for både kunden og Svømmeskole Lille Svane. Vilkårene er utarbeidet av Svømmeskole Lille Svane. I tillegg til vilkårene, kan særskilte betingelser gjelde noen tjenester og tilbud i Svømmeskole Lille Svane. De særskilte vilkårene finner du på

1.2 Når en kunde registrerer seg hos Svømmeskole Lille Svane, godtar kunden vilkårene og bekrefter at de vil bli fulgt. En avtale er inngått når kunden har betalt og tjenestetilbyder har bekreftet betalingen.

1.3 Svømmeskole Lille Svane forbeholder seg en ensidig rett til å endre vilkårene i henhold til punkt 6.5.

2 Svømmeskole Lille Svanes kundeforhold

2.1 Et kundeforhold er nødvendig for å benytte Svømmeskole Lille Svanes tjenester.

2.2 En verge kan inngå et kundeforhold på vegne av en mindreårig, hvorpå vergen i siste instans er ansvarlig for kundeavtalen og tilhørende betalingsforpliktelser.

2.3 Kundeforholdet er gyldig fortløpende, hvis det ikke er definert for en bestemt periode (f.eks. feriesvømmeskole). Kundeforholdet opphører hvis kunden sier opp kundeforholdet i henhold til punkt 6 i vilkårene.

2.4 Kundeforholdet er personlig. Kundeforholdet kan derfor ikke overføres til en annen person. Kundeforholdet omfatter et barn og to verger. I babysvømmegrupper inkluderer kundeforholdet også familiens barn under skolealder med voksenoppsyn.

2.5 Kundeforholdet gir kunden rett til å delta ukentlig i svømmegruppen sin på bestemt sted og tid i henhold til vilkårenes punkter 2.6–2.9. Gjeldende priser, tilgjengelige tjenester og svømmegrupper er til enhver tid å finne på

2.6 Svømmeskole Lille Svane har som mål å organisere svømmeopplæring året rundt, med unntak av offentlige fridager, julaften, nyttårsaften og sankthansaften. Månedlige fakturaer refunderes ikke på grunn av offentlige fridager, helligdager og slike aftener.

2.7 Svømmeskole Lille Svane arrangerer ikke undervisning om svømmebassenget er langtidsstengt for vedlikehold eller andre grunner. Vedlikehold av svømmebasseng eller andre langvarige stenginger av installasjoner tas hensyn til i månedlige fakturaer, slik at kunden ikke trenger å betale for disse periodene.

2.8 Kunden erkjenner og godtar at Svømmeskole Lille Svane ikke alltid kan garantere en plass i kundens svømmegruppe hvis antall deltakere eller adgang til svømmegruppen på annet vis er begrenset. Svømmeskole Lille Svane vil likevel organisere en erstatningstime hvis svømmegruppen må avlyses av arrangør (f.eks. av tekniske grunner eller sykdom). Dette gjelder ikke svømmetimer som nevnt i punkt 2.6 og 2.7 i vilkårene.

2.9 Kunden erkjenner og godtar at Svømmeskole Lille Svane på ensidig vis kan endre sine produkt- og tjenestetilbud. Dette kan også gjelde endring av tid og sted for svømmegruppene i løpet av kundeforholdet, avhengig av etterspørsel og ressurser.

3 Betalinger

3.1 Kunden eller en annen person (f.eks. en verge) som registrerer seg som kunde i Svømmeskole Lille Svane påtar seg ansvar for kundebetalinger eller andre betalinger. Kunden plikter å ta hånd om kundebetalinger og andre eventuelle betalinger (i det følgende omtalt som «betalinger») i henhold til Svømmeskole Lille Svanes gjeldende priser.

3.2 Kunden må oppgi en eller flere betalingsmåter til Svømmeskole Lille Svane. Kunden gir Svømmeskole Lille Svane retten til å belaste enhver betalingsmåte knyttet til sin konto. Dette gjøres dersom den primære betalingsmåten ikke kan belastes eller ikke lenger er tilgjengelig for betaling av månedsavgiften. Kunden er ansvarlig for eventuelle ubetalte betalinger. Hvis belastning feiler på grunn av ugyldig kort, manglende dekning eller andre grunner, kan Svømmeskole Lille Svane tilbakeholde tilgang til tjenesten inntil en gyldig betalingsmåte er belastet.

3.3 Forfallsdatoen for månedlige betalinger er den første (1.) dagen i foregående måned. Et unntak fra dette er oppstartsmåneden for kundeforholdet hvor avgiften forfaller til betaling på registreringstidspunktet.

3.4 Hvis kunden ikke gjennomfører betalinger i tide, må kunden betale forsinkelsesrenter, og et purregebyr i henhold til forsinkelsesrenteloven. I tillegg kan Svømmeskole Lille Svane belaste kunden for kostnader knyttet til innkreving av forsinket betaling.

3.5 Svømmeskole Lille Svane skal overføre ansvar for innkreving av manglende betaling til inkassobyrået. Hvis kunden har mottatt en betalingspåminnelse eller et inkassobrev fra inkassobyrået, må kunden følge betalingsinstruksene fra inkassobyrået ved betaling. Hvis kunden betaler direkte til Svømmeskole Lille Svane til tross for disse instruksene, kan Svømmeskole Lille Svane tilordne innbetalingen til andre betalinger som ikke er sendt til inkasso.

3.6 Avlyste timer og månedlige innbetalinger vil ikke refunderes i etterkant. Ferier, sykdom eller annet kjent fravær er ikke tatt hensyn til i faktureringen. Ubenyttede svømmetimer kan benyttes i andre grupper i gjeldende eller påfølgende måned hvis det er ledige plasser. Dette forutsetter at fraværet er varslet i tråd med instruksene på nettsiden. Etter at fraværet er varslet, vil Svømmeskole Lille Svane forsøke å legge opp til en alternativ time, hvis det lar seg gjøre.

3.7 Svømmeskole Lille Svane forbeholder seg retten til å øke kundeavgifter, men kunden vil bli varslet om dette minst en (1) måned i forveien.

4 Kundens forpliktelser

Kunden er forpliktet til å:
lese og følge gjeldende sikkerhetsinstrukser og andre instrukser som er å finne på Svømmeskole Lille Svanes nettside (
gi Svømmeskole Lille Svane nødvendige kundeopplysninger (inkludert kontaktdetaljer) og fakturainformasjon i forbindelse med registrering.
gi beskjed om eventuelle endringer i kundeopplysninger (inkludert kontaktinformasjon) eller fakturainformasjon uten unødig opphold.
informere instruktøren om eventuelle helseproblemer de eller barna deres har som kan ha innvirkning på svømming.
sørge for tilstrekkelig forsikringsdekning i tilfelle personskade eller skade på eiendom.

5 Kunngjøringer, markedsføring og behandling av personopplysninger

5.1 Ved å registrere seg godtar kunden at Svømmeskole Lille Svane kan sende kundene sine informasjon om egne tjenester og tilbud til postadressen og/eller epostadressen kunden har oppgitt. Likevel kan kunden til enhver tid trekke sitt samtykke til å motta markedsføringsmeldinger fra Svømmeskole Lille Svane.

5.2 Kunden godtar at Svømmeskole Lille Svane kan registrere, lagre og/eller behandle personopplysninger om kunden (f.eks. kontakt- og betalingsinformasjon) og tjenester kunden benytter i Svømmeskole Lille Svane, i henhold til personopplysningsloven. Formålet med å samle inn disse opplysningene er å administrere og ivareta forholdet til kunden på best mulig måte, samt å informere kunden om tjenestene Svømmeskole Lille Svane til enhver tid tilbyr.

Kunden gir sitt samtykke til at Svømmeskole Lille Svane kan lagre kundens besøkshistorikk. Lagring av besøkshistorikken gir oversikt over kundens aktivitet og utvikling i opplæringen. Med besøkshistorikk menes informasjon om hvor mange ganger og i hvilke timer kunden har deltatt på, ved forskjellige avdelinger i Svømmeskole Lille Svane. Dette gjelder også hvilke tjenester eller tilbud kunden har kjøpt eller benyttet seg av, og om kunden har deltatt på eller avlyst en time.

5.3 Kundedata vil ikke bli delt med utenforstående uten kundens skriftlige samtykke, med unntak av lovbasert informasjonsdeling.

5.4 Kunden godtar at Svømmeskole Lille Svane kan fotografere og filme egen drift og kunder, til bruk i markedsføring og treningsmateriell. Likevel kan kunden til enhver tid trekke sitt samtykke til å bli fotografert.

6 Oppsigelse av kundeavtale eller ensidig endring av avtalevilkårene

6.1 Oppsigelsestiden for kundeforholdet er på en kalendermåned, og oppsigelsen trer i kraft siste dag av påfølgende kalendermåned, etter oppsigelsen er mottatt.

6.2 Oppsigelsen av avtalen må være skriftlig eller elektronisk. Ved elektronisk eller skriftlig oppsigelse vil kunden motta skriftlig bekreftelse på registrert oppsigelse innen 14 dager, samt informasjon om betalingsstatus og avslutning av kundeforholdet. Hvis kunden mot formodning ikke har mottatt skriftlig bekreftelse på oppsigelse fra Svømmeskole Lille Svane innen 14 dager, må kunden umiddelbart kontakte Svømmeskole Lille Svane for å adressere situasjonen.

6.3 Ved oppsigelse har kunden rett til å delta i svømmegruppen sin til oppsigelsen av kundeforholdet trer i kraft. Kunden mister plassen sin i svømmegruppen i det kundeforholdet avsluttes.

6.4 Om ønskelig kan kunden fryse svømmetimene midlertidig. Frysing av svømmetimer kan vare i inntil 3 måneder. Kunden får muligheten til å returnere til samme gruppe etter fryseperioden er over. Frys må alltid være skriftlig varslet i tråd med instrukser på nettsiden. Kunden vil motta skriftlig bekreftelse på frys, og en faktura for første måned etter frys. Ved å betale denne fakturaen bekrefter kunden sin plass i gruppen.

Kunden faktureres ikke for de månedene kundeforholdet er frosset.

6.5 Svømmeskole Lille Svane har ensidig rett til å endre priser, tjenestetilbud, betalingsvilkår og de alminnelige vilkårene. Hvis slike endringer forventes å være i kundens disfavør, vil kunden informeres om slike endringer innen en (1) måned før endringene trer i kraft. Hvis Svømmeskole Lille Svane bestemmer seg for å gjøre vesentlige endringer i vilkårene i kundens disfavør, skal kunden ha rett til å si opp kundeforholdet. Dette er med unntak fra den ellers gjeldende oppsigelsestiden med ikrafttredelse på samme dag som endringene. Oppsigelse må gjøres i henhold til punkt 6.2.

6.6 Svømmeskole Lille Svane har retten til å si opp kundeavtalen med øyeblikkelig virkning, hvis kunden klart ikke følger vilkårene i kundeavtalen eller andre instrukser fra Svømmeskole Lille Svane.
Vesentlige brudd kan være (men er ikke begrenset til):
• Manglende betaling,
• Brudd på Svømmeskole Lille Svanes sikkerhets- eller ordensregler,
• Å overse en advarsel til kunden fra Svømmeskole Lille Svane.

7 Erstatningsansvar

7.1 Svømmeskole Lille Svane er ikke ansvarlig for noen form for personskade, tyveri eller annet tap av personlige eiendeler i sine lokaler, så sant dette ikke følger av preseptorisk lov.

7.2 Verger er ansvarlige for sine barn i garderobe, i dusjrom, på toalett og i bassenget og umiddelbar nærhet.

7.3 Kunden erkjenner og godtar at de deltar i Svømmeskole Lille Svanes aktiviteter på egen risiko. Svømmeskole Lille Svane er ikke ansvarlig for kundens helseproblemer eller relaterte problemer.

8 Ansvarsfraskrivelse, gjeldende lov og tvistebehandling

8.1 Svømmeskole Lille Svane er ikke ansvarlig for forhold som er til hinder for kundens besøksmuligheter eller andre midlertidige begrensninger av kundens rettigheter etter kundeavtalen. Dette er begrensninger som beviselig følger av forhold som er utenfor Svømmeskole Lille Svanes kontroll og som Svømmeskole Lille Svane ikke med rimelighet kunne forventes å forutse eller forhindre (såkalt force majeure).

8.2 Kundeavtalen er underlagt norsk lov.

8.3 Tvister mellom kunden og Svømmeskole Lille Svane skal løses i fellesskap. Hvis ingen enighet nås, kan begge parter fremme tvistesaken inn for tingretten for en avgjørelse.


General Terms and Conditions 1 July 2023

These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to Happy to Swim AS’s customers as of 1 July 2023. Svømmeskole Lille Svane is an auxiliary business name of Happy to Swim AS. The Customer must read these Terms and Conditions carefully before registering and using the swimming services.

1 General

These Terms and Conditions are the terms of sale between the Customer and Svømmeskole Lille Svane. The Terms and Conditions have been prepared by Svømmeskole Lille Svane. In addition to the Terms and Conditions, separate special conditions may apply to certain services and offers of Svømmeskole Lille Svane. These special conditions are available at lillesvane.n

1.2 When the Customer registers for the services of Svømmeskole Lille Svane, the Customer accepts the Terms and Conditions and agrees to follow them. An agreement is concluded when the Customer has made a payment and the service provider has confirmed it.

1.3 Svømmeskole Lille Svane reserves the unilateral right to amend the Terms and Conditions in accordance with section 6.5.

2 Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s customership

2.1 Using the services of Svømmeskole Lille Svane requires a customer relationship.

2.2 A guardian may enter into a customer relationship on behalf of a minor, in which case the guardian is ultimately responsible for the Customer Agreement and its payment obligations.

2.3 The customer relationship is valid until further notice unless it has been separately defined as fixed-term (e.g. holiday swimming school). The customer relationship ends if the Customer separately terminates the customer relationship in accordance with section 6 of the Terms and Conditions.

2.4 The customer relationship is personal. Therefore, the customer relationship cannot be transferred to another person. The customer relationship includes a child and two guardians. In baby swimming groups, the customer relationship also includes the family’s children below school age under the supervision of an adult.

2.5 The customer relationship grants the Customer the right to attend their swimming group on a weekly basis at the specified time and place in accordance with sections 2.6–2.9 of the Terms and Conditions. Valid prices, available services and swimming groups can be found at

2.6 Svømmeskole Lille Svane aims to organise swimming lessons throughout the year, excluding public holidays, Christmas, New Year and Midsummer Eve. Monthly invoices are not refunded due to public holidays and eves.

2.7 Svømmeskole Lille Svane does not organise teaching during maintenance breaks and/or other long-term closures of the pools. Pool maintenance and/or other long-term closures of the property are taken into account in monthly invoices, meaning that the Customer is not obliged to pay for those periods.

2.8 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane cannot always guarantee a spot in the Customer’s swimming group if the number of participants or access to the swimming group is otherwise limited. However, Svømmeskole Lille Svane will arrange a replacement lesson if the swimming group has to be cancelled by the organiser (e.g. for technical reasons). This does not apply to the swimming lessons mentioned in sections 2.6 and 2.7 of the Terms and Conditions.

2.9 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane may unilaterally change its product and service selection or the times and locations of the swimming groups during the customer relationship according to demand and resources.

3 Customer payments

3.1 The Customer or another person (e.g. a guardian) who registers as a customer of Svømmeskole Lille Svane undertakes to be responsible for customer payments or other payments and is obligated to take care of customer payments and other possible payments (hereinafter referred to as “Customer Payment”) in accordance with Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s current prices.

3.2 The Customer of Svømmeskole Lille Svane must inform Svømmeskole Lille Svane of one or more Payment Methods. The Customer authorises Svømmeskole Lille Svane to charge any Payment Method connected to their account in the event that the primary Payment Method cannot be charged or is no longer available for the payment of the monthly fee. The Customer is liable for any unpaid payments. If the charging fails because the card is not valid, the funds are insufficient or for any other reason, Svømmeskole Lille Svane may suspend the use of the service until the charging of the valid Payment Method is successful.

3.3 The due date of the monthly charge for Customer Payments is the first (1st) day of the previous month. An exception to this is the start month of the customer relationship, the due date of which is immediately at the time of registration.

3.4 If the Customer neglects to pay Customer Payments on time, the Customer is obliged to pay late payment interest and a payment reminder fee in accordance with the Interest Act. In addition, Svømmeskole Lille Svane can charge the Customer the costs incurred for the collection of late Customer Payments.

3.5 Svømmeskole Lille Svane shall transfer the collection of neglected Customer Payments to the collection agency. If the Customer has received a payment reminder or collection letter from the collection agency, the Customer must use the payment instructions provided by the collection agency when making Customer Payments. However, if the Customer makes payments directly to Svømmeskole Lille Svane despite the instructions, Svømmeskole Lille Svane may allocate these payments to another Customer Payment that is not in collection.

3.6 Cancelled lessons and monthly payments will not be reimbursed financially afterwards, and holidays, illness or other known absences are not taken into account in invoicing. Unused swimming lessons can be used in other groups during the current or following month if spots are available. This requires that the absence has been reported in accordance with the instructions on the website. After the notification of absence, Svømmeskole Lille Svane will try to arrange a replacement lesson, if possible.

3.7 Svømmeskole Lille Svane reserves the right to increase customer fees, but the Customer is notified of this at least one (1) month in advance.

4 Customer obligations

the Customer is obliged to:
read and follow the valid safety and other instructions of Svømmeskole Lille Svane, which can be found on Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s website (
inform Svømmeskole Lille Svane of the required customer information (including contact details) and billing information at the time of registration.
notify of any changes related to customer information (including contact information) or billing information without delay.
inform the instructor of any health problems they or their children have that may interfere with swimming.
ensure adequate insurance cover in case of personal injury or property damage.

5 Announcements, marketing and processing of personal data

5.1 By registering, the Customer accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane may send its customers information about its services and offers to the postal and/or e-mail address provided by the Customer. However, the Customer may at any time withdraw their consent to receive marketing messages from Svømmeskole Lille Svane.

5.2 The Customer accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane may register, store and/or process personal data concerning the Customer (e.g. contact and payment information) and Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s services used by the Customer in accordance with the Personal Data Act. The purpose of collecting the aforementioned data is to manage and take care of the customer relationship in the best possible way, as well as to inform the Customer about the services offered by Svømmeskole Lille Svane at any given time.

The Customer gives their consent to Svømmeskole Lille Svane to store the Customer’s visit history. Storing the visit history enables the monitoring of the Customer’s activity and the development of instruction. Visit history refers to information on how many times and which lessons the Customer has attended at different Svømmeskole Lille Svane locations, what services or offers the Customer has purchased or utilised, and whether the Customer has attended or cancelled a lesson.

5.3 The Customer’s data will not be disclosed to outside parties without the Customer’s written consent, with the exception of disclosures based on law.

5.4 The Customer accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane can take photos and videos of its operations and customers, which may be used in marketing and training materials. However, the Customer may at any time withdraw their consent of being photographed.

6 Termination of Customer Agreement or unilateral amendment of the terms and conditions of the agreement

6.1 The termination period of a customer relationship is one calendar month, and the termination date is always the last day of the following calendar month after receiving the notice of termination.

6.2 The agreement must be terminated in writing or electronically. Upon termination made in writing or electronically, the Customer will receive a written confirmation of the registration of the termination within 14 days, as well as information about their invoicing status and the end date of the customer relationship. If, for some reason, the Customer has not received written confirmation of the termination from Svømmeskole Lille Svane within 14 days, the Customer must immediately contact Svømmeskole Lille Svane to resolve the matter.

6.3 In the event of termination, the Customer has the right to attend their swimming groups until the end of the validity of the customer relationship. The Customer loses their place in the swimming group once the customer relationship ends.

6.4. If they so wish, the Customer can take a temporary break from swimming lessons. The break can last up to 3 months. During this period, the Customer is given the opportunity to return to the same group after the break. Taking a break must always be notified in writing in accordance with the instructions on the website. The break will be confirmed to the Customer in writing, and an invoice will be sent to them for the first month after the break. By paying this invoice, the Customer confirms their place in the group.

The Customer is not invoiced for the months during which they are on break.

6.5 Svømmeskole Lille Svane has the unilateral right to change prices, offered services, Customer Payments and the Terms and Conditions. If such changes are expected to be unfavourable to the Customer, the Customer shall be informed of such changes no later than one (1) month before the changes take effect. If Svømmeskole Lille Svane decides on material changes to the Terms and Conditions that are unfavourable to the Customer, the Customer shall always have the right to terminate the customer relationship, by way of derogation from the otherwise applicable notice period, taking effect on the day the changes enter into force. Termination must be made in accordance with section 6.2.

6.6 Svømmeskole Lille Svane has the right to terminate the Customer Agreement with immediate effect if the Customer clearly violates the terms of the Customer Agreement or Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s other instructions.
Material breaches include (but are not limited to):
• Neglect of Customer Payments;
• Violation of the safety and order rules of Svømmeskole Lille Svane;
• Ignoring a warning given to the Customer by Svømmeskole Lille Svane.

7 Liability for property and damages

7.1 Svømmeskole Lille Svane shall not be liable for any personal injury, theft or other loss of personal property in its premises, unless otherwise provided by mandatory law.

7.2 Guardians are responsible for their children in the changing room and washroom as well as in the pool and in its immediate vicinity.

7.3 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that they are involved in the activities of Svømmeskole Lille Svane at their own risk. Svømmeskole Lille Svane is not responsible for any of the Customer’s health problems or related issues.

8 Disclaimer, applicable law and dispute settlement

8.1 Svømmeskole Lille Svane is not liable for any impediments to the Customer’s visiting opportunities or for any other temporary restrictions on the Customer’s rights recorded in the Customer Agreement that can be proven to be due to reasons beyond Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s control and that Svømmeskole Lille Svane could not have reasonably foreseen, let alone prevented (so-called force majeure).

8.2 The Customer Agreement is subject to Norwegian law.

8.3 Disputes between the Customer and Svømmeskole Lille Svane shall be resolved in cooperation. If no agreement is reached, either party can take the dispute to district court for resolution.

Svømmeskole Lille Svane General Terms and Conditions 1st August  2023

These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to Happy to Swim AS’s customers as of 1. August  2023. Svømmeskole Lille Svane is an auxiliary business name of Happy to Swim AS. The Customer must read these Terms and Conditions carefully before registering and using the swimming services.

1 General
1.1 These Terms and Conditions are the terms of sale between the Customer and Svømmeskole Lille Svane. The Terms and Conditions have been prepared by Svømmeskole Lille Svane. In addition to the Terms and Conditions, separate special conditions may apply to certain services and offers of Svømmeskole Lille Svane. These special conditions are available at

1.2 When the Customer registers for the services of Svømmeskole Lille Svane, the Customer accepts the Terms and Conditions and agrees to follow them. An agreement is concluded when the Customer has made a payment and the service provider has confirmed it.
1.3 Svømmeskole Lille Svane reserves the unilateral right to amend the Terms and Conditions in accordance with section 6.5.

2 Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s customership
2.1 Using the services of Svømmeskole Lille Svane requires a customer relationship.
2.2 A guardian may enter into a customer relationship on behalf of a minor, in which case the guardian is ultimately responsible for the Customer Agreement and its payment obligations.
2.3 The customer relationship is valid until further notice unless it has been separately defined as fixed-term (e.g. holiday swimming school). The customer relationship ends if the Customer separately terminates the customer relationship in accordance with section 6 of the Terms and Conditions.
2.4 The customer relationship is personal. Therefore, the customer relationship cannot be transferred to another person. The customer relationship includes a child and two guardians. In baby swimming groups, the customer relationship also includes the family’s children below school age under the supervision of an adult.
2.5 The customer relationship grants the Customer the right to attend their swimming group on a weekly basis at the specified time and place in accordance with sections 2.6–2.9 of the Terms and Conditions. Valid prices, available services and swimming groups can be found at
2.6 Svømmeskole Lille Svane aims to organise swimming lessons throughout the year, excluding public holidays, Christmas, New Year and Midsummer Eve. Monthly invoices are not refunded due to public holidays and eves.
2.7 Svømmeskole Lille Svane does not organise teaching during maintenance breaks and/or other long-term closures of the pools. Pool maintenance and/or other long-term closures of the property are taken into account in monthly invoices, meaning that the Customer is not obliged to pay for those periods.
2.8 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane cannot always guarantee a spot in the Customer’s swimming group if the number of participants or access to the swimming group is otherwise limited. However, Svømmeskole Lille Svane will arrange a replacement lesson if the swimming group has to be cancelled by the organiser (e.g. for technical reasons). This does not apply to the swimming lessons mentioned in sections 2.6 and 2.7 of the Terms and Conditions.
2.9 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane may unilaterally change its product and service selection or the times and locations of the swimming groups during the customer relationship according to demand and resources.

3 Customer payments
3.1 The Customer or another person (e.g. a guardian) who registers as a customer of Svømmeskole Lille Svane undertakes to be responsible for customer payments or other payments and is obligated to take care of customer payments and other possible payments (hereinafter referred to as “Customer Payment”) in accordance with Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s current prices.
3.2 The Customer of Svømmeskole Lille Svane must inform Svømmeskole Lille Svane of one or more Payment Methods. The Customer authorises Svømmeskole Lille Svane to charge any Payment Method connected to their account in the event that the primary Payment Method cannot be charged or is no longer available for the payment of the monthly fee. The Customer is liable for any unpaid payments. If the charging fails because the card is not valid, the funds are insufficient or for any other reason, Svømmeskole Lille Svane may suspend the use of the service until the charging of the valid Payment Method is successful.
3.3 The due date of the monthly charge for Customer Payments is the first (1st) day of the previous month. An exception to this is the start month of the customer relationship, the due date of which is immediately at the time of registration.
3.4 If the Customer neglects to pay Customer Payments on time, the Customer is obliged to pay late payment interest and a payment reminder fee in accordance with the Interest Act. In addition, Svømmeskole Lille Svane can charge the Customer the costs incurred for the collection of late Customer Payments.
3.5 Svømmeskole Lille Svane shall transfer the collection of neglected Customer Payments to the collection agency. If the Customer has received a payment reminder or collection letter from the collection agency, the Customer must use the payment instructions provided by the collection agency when making Customer Payments. However, if the Customer makes payments directly to Svømmeskole Lille Svane despite the instructions, Svømmeskole Lille Svane may allocate these payments to another Customer Payment that is not in collection.
3.6 Cancelled lessons and monthly payments will not be reimbursed financially afterwards, and holidays, illness or other known absences are not taken into account in invoicing. Unused swimming lessons can be used in other groups during the current or following month if spots are available. This requires that the absence has been reported in accordance with the instructions on the website. After the notification of absence, Svømmeskole Lille Svane will try to arrange a replacement lesson, if possible.
3.7 Svømmeskole Lille Svane reserves the right to increase customer fees, but the Customer is notified of this at least one (1) month in advance.

4 Customer obligations
4.1 The Customer is obliged to:

• read and follow the valid safety and other instructions of Svømmeskole Lille Svane, which can be found on Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s website (

• inform Svømmeskole Lille Svane of the required customer information (including contact details) and billing information at the time of registration.

• notify of any changes related to customer information (including contact information) or billing information without delay.

• inform the instructor of any health problems they or their children have that may interfere with swimming.

• ensure adequate insurance cover in case of personal injury or property damage.

5 Announcements, marketing and processing of personal data
5.1 By registering, the Customer accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane may send its customers information about its services and offers to the postal and/or e-mail address provided by the Customer. However, the Customer may at any time withdraw their consent to receive marketing messages from Svømmeskole Lille Svane.
5.2 The Customer accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane may register, store and/or process personal data concerning the Customer (e.g. contact and payment information) and Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s services used by the Customer in accordance with the Personal Data Act. The purpose of collecting the aforementioned data is to manage and take care of the customer relationship in the best possible way, as well as to inform the Customer about the services offered by Svømmeskole Lille Svane at any given time.
The Customer gives their consent to Svømmeskole Lille Svane to store the Customer’s visit history. Storing the visit history enables the monitoring of the Customer’s activity and the development of instruction. Visit history refers to information on how many times and which lessons the Customer has attended at different Svømmeskole Lille Svane locations, what services or offers the Customer has purchased or utilised, and whether the Customer has attended or cancelled a lesson.
5.3 The Customer’s data will not be disclosed to outside parties without the Customer’s written consent, with the exception of disclosures based on law.
5.4 The Customer accepts that Svømmeskole Lille Svane can take photos and videos of its operations and customers, which may be used in marketing and training materials. However, the Customer may at any time withdraw their consent of being photographed.

6 Termination of Customer Agreement or unilateral amendment of the terms and conditions of the agreement
6.1 The termination period of a customer relationship is one calendar month, and the termination date is always the last day of the following calendar month after receiving the notice of termination.
6.2 The agreement must be terminated in writing or electronically. Upon termination made in writing or electronically, the Customer will receive a written confirmation of the registration of the termination within 14 days, as well as information about their invoicing status and the end date of the customer relationship. If, for some reason, the Customer has not received written confirmation of the termination from Svømmeskole Lille Svane within 14 days, the Customer must immediately contact Svømmeskole Lille Svane to resolve the matter.
6.3 In the event of termination, the Customer has the right to attend their swimming groups until the end of the validity of the customer relationship. The Customer loses their place in the swimming group once the customer relationship ends.
6.4. If they so wish, the Customer can take a temporary break from swimming lessons. The break can last up to 3 months. During this period, the Customer is given the opportunity to return to the same group after the break. Taking a break must always be notified in writing in accordance with the instructions on the website. The break will be confirmed to the Customer in writing, and an invoice will be sent to them for the first month after the break. By paying this invoice, the Customer confirms their place in the group.
The Customer is not invoiced for the months during which they are on break.
6.5 Svømmeskole Lille Svane has the unilateral right to change prices, offered services, Customer Payments and the Terms and Conditions. If such changes are expected to be unfavourable to the Customer, the Customer shall be informed of such changes no later than one (1) month before the changes take effect. If Svømmeskole Lille Svane decides on material changes to the Terms and Conditions that are unfavourable to the Customer, the Customer shall always have the right to terminate the customer relationship, by way of derogation from the otherwise applicable notice period, taking effect on the day the changes enter into force. Termination must be made in accordance with section 6.2.
6.6 Svømmeskole Lille Svane has the right to terminate the Customer Agreement with immediate effect if the Customer clearly violates the terms of the Customer Agreement or Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s other instructions.
Material breaches include (but are not limited to):
• Neglect of Customer Payments;
• Violation of the safety and order rules of Svømmeskole Lille Svane;
• Ignoring a warning given to the Customer by Svømmeskole Lille Svane.

7 Liability for property and damages
7.1 Svømmeskole Lille Svane shall not be liable for any personal injury, theft or other loss of personal property in its premises, unless otherwise provided by mandatory law.
7.2 Guardians are responsible for their children in the changing room and washroom as well as in the pool and in its immediate vicinity.
7.3 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that they are involved in the activities of Svømmeskole Lille Svane at their own risk. Svømmeskole Lille Svane is not responsible for any of the Customer’s health problems or related issues.

8 Disclaimer, applicable law and dispute settlement
8.1 Svømmeskole Lille Svane is not liable for any impediments to the Customer’s visiting opportunities or for any other temporary restrictions on the Customer’s rights recorded in the Customer Agreement that can be proven to be due to reasons beyond Svømmeskole Lille Svane’s control and that Svømmeskole Lille Svane could not have reasonably foreseen, let alone prevented (so-called force majeure).
8.2 The Customer Agreement is subject to Norwegian law.
8.3 Disputes between the Customer and Svømmeskole Lille Svane shall be resolved in cooperation. If no agreement is reached, either party can take the dispute to district court for resolution.

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